Laser Hair Removal

Enjoy the freedom of not having unwanted hair! Almost any are of the body can be treated. Candela Lasers are an industry leader in hair removal Our lasers are FDA approved for all skin types and use a patented cooling system not only to reduce surface heat and also aid in a more comfortable treatment,
The number of treatments can vary depending on area, density, growing cycle and cause of hair (an average of 6-8 are required for most body areas, face can vary). Treatments are usually 6-8 weeks apart.
Sun exposure/tanning beds should be avoided for a minimum of 4 weeks prior to treatment. No waxing or tweezing a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks prior to treatment, however hairs can be trimmed or shaved up to 2 to 3 days before treatment.
Price is based on size of area. Schedule a FREE consultation for more information. A Consultation is required before a treatment is performed.